Mortgage News & Articles

May 11, 2021

Hear Hear!

It’s important for older Canadians to know that financial solutions do exist. They can live out retirement in comfort, safety and without any financial worries. They deserve respect, dignity and choices in retirement!
May 11, 2021

Quality of Life

Don’t you think quality of life is very important? I do, truly. Recently, we had a couple who have scrimped and saved all their lives to pay their mortgage and bills on time. They have been retired for quite a few years and are living on government pensions. They use the food bank each week […]
May 11, 2021

Horror Stories

We have all heard horror stories about Reverse Mortgages, I know I have.  That’s why it’s so important to get the FACTS!  
May 11, 2021

This Home is Your Home

A large misconception about Reverse Mortgages is that the bank will own your home. Not true…YOU DO. You maintain ownership of your home NOT the bank.  
May 11, 2021

Interest Only Please

As with any loan or mortgage there is always interest to pay. I know, it’s not fun, but hey! With a Reverse Mortgage it’s INTEREST ONLY that is added to the mortgage each month, not a FULL mortgage payment plus interest.
May 11, 2021

Payments or No Payments?

With a reverse mortgage you can choose to live your retirement with zero montly payments…ahhh wonderful! 😉  OR, you can choose to pay the interest each month. Whatever you are more comfortable with, the choice is YOURS.
May 11, 2021


When we are young…awwww 🙂 we try our best to pay down the mortgage as quickly as we can. It’s the thing to do, right? But when we get older we need to try a different mindset. If we need to tap into a wee bit of the equity we have built up, that’s alright. […]
May 11, 2021

Did You Know?

Did you know that Reverse Mortgages have been in Canada for 30 years?  Who knew? 🙂
January 12, 2021

After a colossal 2020, Fair Mortgage Solutions prepares for another year of off-the-charts growth

Hamilton-based Verico Fair Mortgage Solutions had spent the previous 15 years building and polishing its reputation as a pint-sized powerhouse where even the knottiest deals wind up on lenders’ desks with a bright shiny bow on them.